Jan 25, 2014

Samsung will sell 400 Million Smartphones, 65 Million Tablets and 60 Million TVs in 2014

According to the Korean newspaper sources, Samsung Electronics is going to sell 400 million smartphones , 65 million tablets and 60 million flat-panel TVs in 2014. South Korean electronics giants had held an event between 17 and 20 Dec to share with their supervisors' business units in 2014.

The event invited 500 employees of units of consumer electronics and mobile communications , as well as 150 employees of the division Device Solution. During the meeting, they discussed the state of the market and the means of achieving business goals in 2014. 

Samsung seems to be making 2014 a significant bet on sporting events like the Olympic Winter Games in Russia and the World Cup in Brazil. The Company expects that it will increase sales of TVs for 5 million units, compared to the current year's sales record and 29-30 % increase in the sales of smartphone. The electronics giants are looking forward to selling about 400 million smartphone; the sales figure of smartphones in 2013 was around 320 million.

The manufacturer, set out to circumvent Apple’s tablet, is going to the market to sell 65 million tablets. If all goals are achieved, the total sales of Samsung Electronics and operating profit should jump to $138.4 billion from $130.9 billion in 2013. But, the operating profit may decline slightly to $23.4 billion in 2014 versus $24.6 billion in 2013.

The source notes that some Samsung insiders fear that the goals will not be fulfilled due to unfavorable market conditions. But, the official representatives of Samsung are confident that the company’s leading position in the market and in the production of components will help them maintain the market share and profitability at a high level. Additionally, to strengthen its position in the mobile market, Samsung has recently announced the merging units to produce cameras and mobile devices.

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